How do I know when my digestion is not optimum?

“All diseases begin in the gut.”
– Hippocrates (known as the Father of Medicine).

Did you know that before Hippocrates said this, it was long established in Ayurvedic sacred texts 5,000 years ago? Modern science is now discovering how most diseases (including mental and emotional) are linked to an unhealthy gut.

Our digestive function is the most neglected part of our lifestyle. We focus so much on eating organic foods, doing exercise, meditating, making self-care time, getting enough sleep – but do we really know whether our digestive system is running at an optimum level? 

Digestive System Red Flags

Is our digestive system able to metabolize all the foods, our experiences, stress and our busy lifestyle?  In Ayurveda, before a health condition becomes chronic, our body gives us many signals. The question is whether we have noticed these red flags and done anything about it. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself on a regular basis:

  • Does your body have any discomfort and pain or digestive upset, regularly?
  • Do you have any digestive issues regularly such as acid reflux, constipation, or
    gastrointestinal issues?
  • Do you have any skin issues that never seem to go away?
  • Do you have bad breath?
  • Do you have any food sensitivities or allergies to certain foods?
  • Does your body react to environmental and seasonal conditions? (example
    seasonal allergies)
  • Do you burp too much?
  • Are you feeling hungry all the time, even two hours after your last meal?
  • Are you feeling full all the time, even after 5-6 hours since your last meal?
  • Do you poop more than three times a day?
  • Do you poop just few times a week?
  • Are you regularly constipated or is it hard to pass stool?
  • Do you have frequent diarrhea during the week?
  • Is your elimination irregular? (sometimes constipated, sometimes diarrhea,
    sometimes slow and sluggish)
  • Do you feel bloated after meals, although you never ate a large amount?
  • Do you feel too gassy throughout the day, although you are eating healthy food?
  • Is it too difficult to gain or lose weight?
  • Are you feeling tired and lethargic during the daytime?
  • Do you toss and turn during the night, without deep sleep?
  • Do you feel uninspired and dull about life?

If you responded “YES” to one or more of these red flags, your digestion is not running
at optimum level.

Components of Good Digestion

Optimum digestion reflects your unique internal eco-system. Good digestion means daily elimination too. You take food in everyday – You need to take garbage out every day too, before it starts fermenting in the body.

A normal bowel movement is 1 to 2 times a day without straining. A healthy poop looks like a long snake which is not sticky in consistency. It does not look like rabbit pellets nor is it liquid, mucous and sticky in consistency.

Why am I speaking of poop so much, you may ask? It’s because globally, digestive issues are on the rise – According to Ayurveda, this is a red flag for our well-being. Why is that? Because these red flags are a sign of an imbalanced digestion and the start of DIS-EASE in the body.

Your healthy agni (digestive fire) is an indicator of good health and an optimum internal eco-system.  Check my previous blog on this: Luckily, modern science is now supporting what ancient science has understood for a long time – Poor gut health is a sign of poor microbiome, and the start of disease (just as Hippocrates said). 

Ways to Restore Digestive Balance

According to Ayurveda, there are many ways of bringing your digestive system back to balance, including doing a seasonal cleanse.

A seasonal cleanse is a digestive RESET for the system:

Did you know that before intermittent fasting became a fad in our modern-day world, this was being used for thousands of years by all ancient cultures? 

Seasonal cleanses have been part of human evolution for thousands of years to cleanse and strengthen the digestive system. Cleanses help strengthen the digestive functions in the body by doing the following:

  • Supports the elimination of toxins from the body (known as ama in Sanskrit)
  • Toxins build up naturally due to our lifestyle habits. Seasonal cleanses help flush out any accumulated toxins from the body.
  • When we remove toxins and undigestible material from our body, this increases our metabolism which consequently makes it easier to manage healthy weight gain or loss.
  • When our digestive capacity is at optimum our gut microbiome starts flourishing and promoting a peaceful and calm mind.
  • An optimal digestive system enhances our immune system and our overall well-being.

By doing a reset for your digestive system, you start addressing the root causes of imbalances happening in your body and eliminate any accumulated toxins, naturally. Therefore, an Ayurvedic digestive reset is the core of well-being by boosting your energy levels, supporting weight management and building inspiration in your life.

Learn how to reset your digestive system for your unique body-mind-type PLUS receive support, coaching and guidance from an Ayurvedic coach like me and world renowned Ayurvedic physician, Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, B.A.M.S., M.D. (Ayurveda) in this program.


8am to 5pm
