What symptoms become dominant during  Pitta — season of heat?

The season of heat and fire has become more dominant now. We are in full swing in the summer season. Although I love the summer season and the beautiful greenery that it brings to us – it doesn’t come without its associated manifestations. Each one of us will react differently to the summer heat, although folks who already have a dominant Pitta dosha will see this heat manifest in their body, minds and spirits more than others.

Pitta Season

During the Pitta season, which typically occurs in late spring through early fall when temperatures are hottest, several symptoms associated with Pitta imbalance tend to become more dominant. Here are the top 10 symptoms:

  1. Skin issues: Pitta-dominant individuals may experience increased skin problems like rashes, acne, inflammation, and sensitivity to sun exposure.
  2. Digestive issues: Symptoms such as heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, and diarrhea can become more prevalent.
  3. Heat-related symptoms: Excessive sweating, feeling overheated, hot flashes, and sensitivity to hot temperatures are common.
  4. Inflammation: Various forms of inflammation throughout the body may increase.
  5. Headaches and migraines: These can become more frequent, often accompanied by a burning sensation.
  6. Emotional imbalances: Individuals may experience increased irritability, impatience, frustration, anger, and a tendency to be overly critical or judgmental.
  7. Sleep disturbances: Pitta imbalances can lead to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, as well as excessive dreaming.
  8. Thirst and dehydration: There may be an increased need for hydration and cooling beverages.
  9. Eye-related issues: Sensitivity to bright light and eye irritation can occur.
  10. Fatigue and burnout: Despite having high energy levels when balanced, Pitta types may experience exhaustion if they push themselves too hard.

How to Manage Pitta Symptoms

To manage these symptoms during Pitta season, it’s recommended to follow a Pitta-balancing diet, stay cool, practice relaxation techniques, and engage in cooling activities like swimming. It’s important to note that while these symptoms are associated with Pitta imbalance, they can vary in severity and manifestation depending on individual factors. Furthermore, the solution to any of these symptoms can vary too, depending on the cause and severity.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, I can help you through them by customizing your wellness solutions through movement, diet, breathwork, sleep and diet protocol. 

Check my blog for a Pitta pacifying Coriander and Mint Chutney which is a wonderful cooling medicine for this Pitta season.


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