Balancing the Peak of Summer Energy in August

In the Northern hemisphere, the summer season has reached its peak – Ayurveda recommends focusing on cooling and balancing practices to counteract the accumulated intensity of the Pitta energy of the season. Start your day with a refreshing routine by splashing cool water on your face and eyes, followed by gentle exercises like yoga or a morning walk in nature before the day heat sets in.  By following these Ayurvedic principles, you can nurture your well-being and transition smoothly into the approaching fall season.

Physiologically, there are changes happening in the body, mind and spirit as the heat accumulates from the summer. Your intelligent body knows that a change of season is in the air, and it starts beginning to insulate the skin for the cooler mornings and nights.  You may start noticing more dryness on your skin in August. 

Five Ayurvedic Self-Care Tools

Here are five Ayurvedic self-care tools that anyone can implement in their daily routine for the month of August:

  1. Follow a Pitta-Pacifying Diet to take care of your gut health:

August is a time when Pitta dosha, associated with fire and water elements, can become aggravated. To balance Pitta, focus on cooling, hydrating, and soothing foods. Incorporate sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes into your meals, and avoid hot, spicy, oily, salty, and fermented foods. Cooling foods like cucumbers, melons, and leafy greens are ideal. Limit stimulants like coffee, which can increase Pitta.

  1. Practice Abhyanga (Self-Massage) – A self-care tool for your skin:

Daily or weekly self-massage with oils (abhyanga) can help counteract dryness and keep the skin vibrant. Use cooling oils like coconut oil or specially formulated Pitta Abhyanga Oil, which contains herbs like shatavari, manjistha, and neem to cool and soothe the body.

  1. Engage in Cooling Activities for self-care for the mind:

Spend time in nature and engage in moderate exercise during cooler parts of the day. Avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours (10am-2pm). Activities like swimming in cool water or walking in shaded areas can help balance the body’s heat.

  1. Hydrate with Ayurvedic Drinks to cool the gut:

Incorporate Ayurvedic beverages that help cool and hydrate the body. Pitta Tea, made with ingredients like rose, tulsi, and lemon verbena, can be a refreshing alternative to regular tea or coffee. These drinks help reduce internal heat and provide a calming effect.

  1. Incorporate Cooling Herbs and Spices – A self-care tip to balance your stress:

Use herbs and spices that have cooling properties to balance Pitta. Herbs like ashwagandha and shankhapushpi can help strengthen the body and mind, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. These herbs are particularly beneficial as the body prepares for the transition from summer to fall.

By integrating these Ayurvedic self-care tools into your daily routine, you can maintain balance and health during the month of August.  Some of you may transition well into the fall season, while others may experience their most vulnerable season this fall, depending on their unique constitution.  It’s time to keep your immunity strong!

Note: Any herb should be taken with guidance of an Ayurvedic physician or Ayurvedic practitioner because each of us is unique in nature.

We dig deeper into self-care practices through workshops, diet, movement, meditation and rest during our Fall Equinox Self-Care retreat. These are crucial times to empower ourselves with Ayurvedic wisdom. Join in this retreat with other like-minded women: 

 If you are experiencing any Pitta related symptoms (learn more about Pitta related symptoms) I can help you through them by customizing your wellness solutions through diet, movement, breathwork, sleep and a personalized protocol. Book a free call with me to discuss.


8am to 5pm
