What is Kapha season about?

What is Kapha season about?

What is Kapha season about?

The Spring Season

The spring season is also known as the Kapha (pronounced “kaffa) season. During this season, there is an accumulation of the water and earth element (Kapha dosha) in our system which is seeking to be released. Kapha translates to the heaviness of mucus and phlegm that builds up during the cold months.


There are various ways of assisting the body to release Kapha energy from the body. Some of these techniques include detoxification approaches, more physical movement and adjustment in your diet.

One way to help the body release is to slowly start introducing lighter grains (such as barley, millet or quinoa) and increase the proportion of green vegetables (such as spinach, kale and broccoli) into your diet as the weather starts getting milder. This helps release accumulated Kapha from the body, rather than congesting the various channels in the body. 

Recognizing Imbalance

During any shift of seasons, your body may become imbalanced, depending how much care was taken during the previous season. Understanding the energetics of each season and how it interacts within our body, helps us align to the wisdom of nature. 

Since each of us are unique, we will experience this season differently too. What is important to keep in mind is that we can all take steps to align ourselves during this transition. 


8am to 5pm
